FPS Marketing Blog

First Page Roundup: Diversity in Marketing

Written by Jeanna Barrett | Jul 6, 2020 4:00:00 AM

For many, the conversation last month largely shifted to how we can all do better and be better allies for our Black neighbors. ✊🏾 As an agency founder, I have thought a lot about how I can not only be a better ally to Black marketers, but to all people of color, races, sexuality, gender and ages. As it stands today, our team is 30% LGBTA and BIPOC and 65% women — and I'm committed to keeping this minimum and growing it.

Our June roundup is full of resources and ideas to help. Let’s get started!


These 9 Black and Minority Marketing and Sales Thought Leaders Are Changing the Game

Bozoma Saint John (Uber, Apple) and Dharmesh Shah (Hubspot) are part of a growing list of BIPOC thought leaders working to right the wrongs of racial inequalities in the workplace. In the marketing world, 88% of marketers identify as white, with just 5% identifying as Asian, 4% mixed race, and 2% as Black. Read more about how these innovators are paving the way:


Google Announces New Mobile SEO Update: What It Means for Your Online Business

As of September 2020, Google will make the switch to mobile-first indexing on all websites, as opposed to desktop crawling that the engine has long preferred. If your site hasn't already been optimized for mobile, there's still time. Here's what you need to know:


From Prospecting to Social Selling: Understanding Sales Tools to Create Better Sales Enablement Content

Here at First Page, we first measure blog success by looking at two key factors: lead generation and conversions. From there we can set realistic KPI's, create a plan for reaching those goals and take action. Here's a deeper dive into how you can accurately measure your brand's blog success:


John Krasinski’s "Some Good News" Show Teaches Us 5 Valuable Content Marketing Lessons

From curating user content, value driven messaging (over production quality), and inviting collaboration, actor John Krasinski's DIY show is a shining example of how we can use content marketing to engage others. Here are 5 lessons we can learn from:


Keeping an Ear on the Future: How Social Listening Is Influencing Marketing Analytics"

If you're not actively studying the intent, emotion, mood behind social and marketing analytics, you're missing valuable cues from your audience. Social listening deepens the conversation, looking not just at how much your audience is interacting, but what they’re saying… and how they’re saying it:


Google Looks to ClaimReview and Fact Check to Improve Authenticity of Images

Google continues to make updates to better serve it's customers and it's your job to make sure your brand is adapting in real time. Google will now authentic images based on their credibility and accurateness which will help drive users to the content they're actually seeking. Here's what you need to know:


How We Build Community, Culture & Rapport as a Global #Remoteteam at First Page

As the world has been forced to work remote, many brands are scrambling to not only function in this mode but maintain their company culture. First Page founder Jeanna Barrett reveals  how she built a 100% remote agency from the ground up and how you can create the framework for a successful company in a remote landscape:


That’s all folks! For more content and the latest in digital marketing trends, follow First Page on LinkedIn.