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3 Email Nurture Campaigns to Grow Revenue | First Page

Written by Jeanna Barrett | Sep 19, 2019 8:49:00 AM

When’s the last time you went shopping online, loaded a cart up with items, got distracted, and navigated away from the website?

Probably pretty recent. Because kitten. Meme. Music video. Squirrel.

Did you get a follow-up email from the company with a coupon, reminder or reason to return to your shopping cart on their site and purchase? If not, they missed out on one of the best types of nurture campaigns out there. One that would increase their monthly business revenue simply by sending an automated email.

Marketing automation and nurture campaigns are an integral component of email marketing (and inbound marketing!) best practices. The emails you send to your leads and customers should always be informative, establish trust and build a unique relationship with each individual. A nurture campaign helps you accomplish these goals while supporting future revenue growth.

Nurture campaigns are an extremely successful part of inbound marketing that you can build in your marketing automation platform so that they're sent "automatically" and collect revenue each month for your brand and business. According to a HubSpot report on eCommerce marketing strategies in 2019, businesses that utilize nurture campaigns generate 50 percent more revenue than those who don’t.

Fifty percent! If you could grow your business this year by fifty percent, would you?

We thought so.

Here are three of the most effective nurture campaigns you can start using today to create successful online conversions and grow your marketing channel revenue.

1. Abandoned Cart Email Nurture Campaign

Sending out an abandoned cart email is an excellent example of how your business can nurture leads and customers through conversion-driven email marketing campaigns. 

You send out abandoned cart emails to those customers who added items to a cart on your site and then left it behind. These customers likely got distracted by something else on the web or became discouraged at some point in the buyer’s journey. Either way, they engaged in a behavior that you want them to complete. Here’s where the nurturing comes in.

This tactic is not only for eCommerce sites. It works for any online business that has a checkout funnel. If your customer starts to signup for your SaaS service and they abandon, this is a time you can remind them to complete their signup process. Just because you're not physically shipping an item, doesn't mean they're not leaving their "purchase in the cart."

Create Value-Driven Connections

For the best results, you don’t want your abandoned cart email to trigger any feelings of manipulation or spam. Instead, provide value to the customer experience by addressing the customer in a helpful tone that feels authentic for your brand. Examples of helpful abandoned cart nurture emails might be:

  • Send an email that outlines the value propositions of your company — and how you compare to your competitors. You can even include a price comparison graphic.

  • You can also provide monetary value to the customer by offering a discount on one or all of the items in their cart. By doing so, you communicate to the customer that they’re important to your business regardless of the money they spend. You take the emphasis off of the sale and place it, instead, on the relationship between the customer and your business.

  • If you don't want to offer an actual discount, you can offer any sort of value-add that your business model offers.

Sending out abandoned cart emails is a simple yet effective way to successfully achieve conversions and grow revenue. They help your business retain the customers you’ve already attracted to your site through the money you’ve already spent with other marketing techniques. To take this tactic a step further, you want to segment out a control group of users who don't receive your abandoned cart campaign to see how many users would convert anyway, even if they didn't receive an abandoned cart email. That way you can truly understand the return of your abandoned cart series.

2. Onboarding Email Nurture Campaign

An onboarding campaign, when done right, demonstrates the value that your brand brings to your customers. You need to make your customers feel good about the decision they made to connect with your business, whether they just signed up for emails or created an account on your site. You also need to walk them through their customer journey with your brand. What are all the pieces they need to know and understand to be successful with your product and purchase?

Communicate Your Value

Build a successful onboarding email nurture campaign by nurturing your new customer through an immediate "post-purchase" series of emails that explain more about your business, products and services. You should focus on providing information about who you are and what you do best. Then focus on offering solutions that may mitigate any potential churn the customer may experience in the future.

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome when creating a successful onboarding campaign is breaking through the dozens of other onboarding emails your customers and leads get every day. To do this, you need to use all the data you’ve already established on your demographic to truly connect with your users.

When you use data-driven communication, you can more easily encourage customers to:

  • Use your products within a week of onboarding

  • Integrate products into their lives and routines

  • Solidify your brand within their identity and values

  • Upsell them on additional products they might need from your brand

When your customer engages with a successful onboarding campaign, they become more likely to use your products or services frequently and communicate the value you provide in their lives to friends and family.

3. Segmented or Personalized Purchase Path Email Nurture Campaigns

You can also create an email nurture campaign that addresses the various customer needs that arise due to segmented customer purchase paths. Audience segmentation is a useful way to group customer needs and behaviors through data analysis in order to best fulfill needs and grow revenue.

Again, this is best tackled through a marketing automation platform where you can collect and analyze the data of each of your website visitors and customers. For instance, in HubSpot (what we use and recommend at First Page), you can analyze each customer's record, the pages they've visited, their personal or business data like location, and all of the data points you might be pushing from an internal database such as different products purchased. Once you’ve identified similarities in the segments of your audience, you can provide unique personalized purchase paths that organically support the customer journey and lead to a higher rate of conversions.

Customize Your Emails to Add Value

The first step to customizing purchase paths for a segmented demographic is gathering data. The data should lead to clearly defined market segments that engage in specific browsing and purchasing behaviors. Armed with this data, you can create an email nurture campaign for each segment of your demographic.

Here’s an example: Does Customer Group A tend to visit page 1, quickly followed by page 2, then purchase your product B? That’s a segmented purchase path that you can personalize. Send out an email highlighting the value of product B to all customers within Group A who have recently visited page 1 and/or 2.

You receive the benefit of an additional sale, and your customers establish a more personalized relationship with your brand while continuing to gain value from their purchases.

Start Nurturing Your Customers

Don’t let leads and customers fall away from your brand’s products and services due to a lack of nurturing. The beauty of email nurture campaigns is that you only need to build them once and set them up once, then they're turned out to automatically run for your brand and build revenue. (With some testing and optimization tweaks going forward).

With these emails, you can provide a valuable, personalized experience to your demographic that supports your existing marketing efforts and drives future business growth. Using nurture campaigns should always involve the data you’re already collecting to maximize the customer experience and connect more meaningfully with your audience.