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What is Hot-Desking & How Do You Find Coworking Spaces Around the World?

Written by Wendi Williams | Nov 3, 2021 12:25:00 AM

If you do a quick Google search for "hot-desking," you'd probably come away with the idea that hot-desking is actually a hot mess. You wouldn't be wrong.

In a traditional office setting, hot-desking is a hot trend meant to revolutionize agile workspaces. In actuality, it becomes a breeding ground for snarling, territorial young professionals to circle like vultures until they mark their space. Think we're being dramatic? This Forbes article has our back:

"If you hate your company, its employees and the shareholders, then go ahead and introduce the latest management fad: Hot-desking. It's a better way to destroy the firm than inviting Russian hackers to rob you blind."


Luckily, we're not talking about traditional office spaces (because, yikes). We're talking about remote hot-desking, which has been growing in popularity among the work-from-anywhere (WFA) crowd for years now. We'll tell you why remote hot-desking is not the same as the dumpster fire that traditional office hot-desking can become and how you can find a hot space to work anywhere in the world.


What Is Remote Hot-Desking?

Basically, hot-desking is what happens inside coworking spaces. Remote workers and digital nomads sign up for access to the space (usually monthly, but sometimes annually or as-needed), then show up when they need to work, find a desk, and plug in.

Coworking spaces are popping up around the globe in nearly every major international city.


It's estimated that by 2024, close to 5 million remote workers will be making use of coworking spaces. The hot-desking revolution is here.


Benefits of Remote Hot-Desking

You'll notice we clarify that we're talking about remote hot-desking because, as we stated earlier, traditional office hot-desking (and all the benefits touted with it) are often a lot of hot air. Those benefits are meant to encourage creativity, inter-departmental connections, and reduced costs for the organization. But it often ends in resentment and the erosion of company culture.

In contrast, remote hot-desking offers numerous proven benefits, including:


If you can WFA, you bring the work, and hot-desking brings the anywhere. As noted above, coworking spaces are cropping up all over, and that means whether you're looking for a space close to home or several spaces to accommodate you on your travels, you're likely to find what you need.


Coworking spaces have everything you need...and none of what you don't. There's little clutter and few frills, but there is a ton of convenience. Most of the time, finding an open desk is easy, and you'll always have access to reliable Wi-Fi, plenty of outlets, and — necessity numero uno — hot coffee. Plus, with many coworking organizations expanding and opening new facilities, you have more options to work from different locations with a single membership.


This might depend on where your home base is, but overall, pricing for joining a coworking space is reasonable and reasonably steady. In fact, post-2020, some areas are seeing prices drop as they work to recruit new hot-deskers.


Prices in Central and especially South America are significantly lower, which is one reason we say Latin America is a great choice for digital nomads.


If you want just-the-basics (and a lower cost), you won't find a ton of perks. But if you're willing to spend a bit more, you'll find coworking spaces that offer a lot more than hot desks. Some are fitted out with fitness centers, swanky meeting areas, full kitchens, climbing walls, yoga studios, and more.


Where Do I Find Hot Desks Around the World?

This is probably the biggest benefit of hot-desking. You can work from just about anywhere. It's a perfect choice for digital nomads and anyone who likes to work while traveling. But if you're wondering exactly how to find a place to hot desk as you globetrot, try out one of these tools:

WeWork All Access: Designed by one of the top names in international coworking, WeWork's All Access plan can be used by individuals or teams and provides hot desks in their locations all around the world.

Deskpass: Deskpass is built for those managing remote or hybrid teams. The U.S.-based company offers dozens of coworking spaces in numerous cities. For one monthly price, you can give your remote team access to hot desks wherever they are.

DesksNear.Me: This is a comprehensive service for teams, individuals, and even those looking to make a buck by renting their personal workspace. DesksNear.Me matches users with private offices, coworking spaces, or hot desks according to their needs and allows free listings of personal spaces.

Seats2Meet: S2M is unique in that it places focus on the social nature of coworking, allowing users to browse meet-ups in cities across Europe, Africa, and Asia. For instance, you could choose to work in a space with only other freelance writers or step away from your hot desk for a cup of coffee with other digital nomads.

Workfrom: Workfrom gives you more than hot desks. It matches users to cafes, coworking facilities, libraries, and anywhere else that's laptop-friendly. Just type in your location, and Workfrom will give you a list and a map of all the spots you can find Wi-Fi, outlets, and like-minded remote workers like you.

Outsite: Outsite is an industry leader in global coworking. Plus, Outsite is focused on the entire digital nomad experience and offers help finding accommodations and building a community of remote workers living the WFA life.

Worka: Worka is a slick app that finds you a hot desk in minutes, no matter where in the world you are. With Worka, you only pay for the space you need, when you need it — no monthly or long-term membership plans are required.

Hot-desking is a hot topic for both traditional and remote workers alike. But while it causes mostly stress and headaches for in-office employees, it's a source of freedom and flexibility for the WFA crowd.