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Hire The Best SEO Agency in 2024

Struggling to generate qualified leads and boost conversion rates from organic channels? Need assistance optimizing your online presence and navigating the complexities of SEO? We get it — SEO can be tricky. But with consumers using search engines 20% more year-over-year, SEO isn’t a place to cut corners. 

As a leading SEO agency, we demystify the world of SEO, guiding you through link building, content creation, technical optimization, and more.

Our SEO strategy is bespoke to your company and ensures your ideal buyers discover your website on Google's first page — helping you capture their attention, drive engagement, and achieve sustainable growth. 

Top Brands Trust FPS as Their SEO Agency

SEO Success Stories 

When SEO is done well, your potential is unlimited.
Check out how our SEO strategies have changed the game for some of our clients. 

Person holding tablet

Elevating Enterprise Leads by 50%: A SaaS Success Story

Discover how our specialized SEO and content approach helped a time-tracking and project management SaaS company achieve a remarkable 50% surge in enterprise leads and a 67% increase in year-over-year blog traffic.

Read Full Case Study

Desktop computer with arrow going up and to the right

Market Domination Achieved: The 800% Revenue Surge

Learn how partnering with an organic SEO agency propelled an emerging business formation service to remarkable heights, resulting in an astounding 800% surge in revenue in just 5 years.

Read Full Case Study

Illustrated computer with gears and charts

Transformative Technical SEO: A 216% Keyword Ranking Surge

Discover how our expertise in technical SEO led to a remarkable 216% surge in keyword rankings over just 6 months for Future.co.

Read Full Case Study

We struggled to find a growth agency that could actually produce results. When we started to see our organic channel traffic and revenue exponentially grow 3-4X with the FPS team, we doubled down on our investment and it has paid off. The FPS team are some of the best in the industry — smart, strategic, honest, and focused on the data that matters."
Dustin Ray
Co-Founder & Chief Growth Officer

Explore Our SEO Services

Elevate your online presence and dominate search engine rankings with our comprehensive range of SEO services.

Technical SEO
Technical SEO

Enhance your website's backend to improve crawling and indexing, ensuring search engines can understand and rank your content effectively.

On-Page SEO
On-Page SEO

Optimize individual web pages for relevant keywords and user experience, improving their visibility and driving organic traffic.

Website Discoverability
Website Discoverability

Boost your website's visibility in search results, making it easier for your target audience to find your offerings.

Internal Linking
Internal Linking

Create a network of strategic internal links to improve navigation and guide users through your site's valuable content.

Site Speed Optimization
Website Migration

Seamlessly transfer your website while maintaining SEO integrity, preserving your rankings and traffic during transitions.

Site Speed Optimization
Site Speed Optimization

Improve loading times for your site, enhancing user experience and satisfying search engines' performance criteria.

Schema Optimization
Schema Optimization

Implement structured data markup to enhance search engine understanding, leading to richer search results and better click-through rates.

Site Structure Analysis
Site Structure Analysis

Evaluate and optimize your website's architecture for improved navigation and search engine crawlability.

Broken Link Reclamation
Broken Link Reclamation

Identify and fix broken links on your website, ensuring a smooth user experience and maintaining SEO health.

Keyword Discoverability
Keyword Discoverability

Research and target relevant keywords to increase your website's chances of ranking higher for valuable search queries.

On-Page Copy Enhancements & Targeting
On-Page Copy Enhancements & Targeting

Craft compelling and relevant content, aligning with user intent and search engine requirements.

Products & Services Messaging Improvements
Products & Services Messaging Improvements

Refine your product and service descriptions to resonate with your audience and attract qualified leads.

New Core Page Optimization
New Core Page Optimization

Optimize core pages for improved relevance and visibility, attracting targeted traffic and potential customers.

Content Restructuring
Content Restructuring

Organize and structure your content strategically, making it more accessible to both users and search engines.

Metadata A/B Testing
Metadata A/B Testing

Experiment with different meta titles and descriptions to improve click-through rates and search result performance.

Keyword Gap Analysis
Keyword Gap Analysis

Identify keywords your competitors are ranking for, but you're not — uncovering new opportunities for growth.

Legacy Blog Optimization
Legacy Blog Optimization

Refresh and optimize older blog posts to ensure they remain relevant and continue driving traffic.

Organic Content Distribution
Organic Content Distribution

Strategically distribute your content across platforms to expand your reach and drive more organic traffic.

Content Calendar Development & Research
Content Calendar Development & Research

Plan and create content consistently with a well-structured calendar, backed by thorough research to meet user needs and search intent.

Benchmark Your Brand with Our Growth Scorecard

Ready to see where your brand is and how you stack up against the competition for common growth benchmarks?


We’ll walk you through a scorecard for each of our Growth Hubs — Attract, Convert, and Accelerate — to identify the channels you need the most support in. This is completely free and meant to help you determine if you want to work with us and what areas to invest in. 


Simply submit a request — and if it looks like we're a good fit, we'll reach out to schedule a call to discuss your scorecard.  

Request Your Growth Scorecard

More Than Just Your Average SEO Agency 

We pride ourselves on being more than your run-of-the-mill SEO agency. Think of us as your partners in all things growth — we combine tangible data with creativity to bring you a fresh perspective that drives success.

With a focus on understanding your business at its core, we create custom strategies that resonate with your brand, propelling your online presence (and business as a whole) to new heights.

We Understand Your Business

We Understand Your Business

We never skim the surface. At FPS, we dive deep and craft tailored SEO strategies that mirror your brand's essence — ensuring your online presence is consistent and accurate. 

We Create Custom Solutions

We Create Custom Solutions

Cookie cutter solutions won’t cut it over here. We break free from generic approaches, crafting bespoke SEO strategies that are unique and specific to your brand.

We Work Seamlessly Across All Channels

We Work Seamlessly Across All Channels

At FPS, we know that every aspect of your business matters to SEO. We seamlessly blend strategies from all teams and channels across your brand, securing top rankings for core keywords, embedding  SEO within every facet of your business, and maintaining continuous audience engagement.

We Make Data-Driven Decisions

We Make Data-Driven Decisions

We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. Success is rooted in numbers, and we rely on in-depth data analysis through customized dashboards to inform our SEO strategies, guiding your business toward growth with precision.

We Keep You in the Loop

We Keep You in the Loop

We don’t believe in keeping secrets. We’re transparent about our SEO strategies, providing clear explanations and insights — empowering you to actively engage in your online SEO journey.

Why Investing in an SEO Agency Matters

Investing in an SEO agency is a surefire way to see significant and immediate revenue growth.
A custom SEO strategy catapults your website to the top of search results, driving more organic traffic and converting visitors into loyal customers around the clock.
The benefits of a well-executed SEO strategy extend far beyond just improved rankings. Explore the advantages of investing in an SEO agency.


Increased Organic Traffic

With the right optimizations, you can witness a substantial boost in visitors from search engines, ensuring your content reaches its intended audience.


Visibility for High-Value Keywords

An effective SEO strategy can elevate your website to the top spots for valuable search terms, expanding your brand's reach and authority in the market.


Expanding Keyword Portfolio

Diversify and expand your online presence by ranking for a broader set of relevant keywords, ensuring you capture a larger portion of your target audience.


Strengthened Online Reputation

Building a robust backlink profile signals trust and authority to search engines, positioning your brand as a leader in your field.


Enhanced Revenue Opportunities

As more users find and engage with your content, there's a higher likelihood of converting them into paying customers — increasing potential revenue from organic channels.

Ready to harness the power of an SEO agency for revenue growth? 

Common Questions about Investing in an SEO Marketing Agency

We know that investing in SEO services can feel like a big step. That’s why we’re here to demystify the process. Check out our FAQ below.

What does SEO mean?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, enhances a website's visibility on search engines like Google. It involves techniques like optimizing content, improving site structure, enhancing speed, keyword research, and backlink building. SEO aims to improve rankings in search engine results, driving more organic traffic and conversions, and is crucial for digital marketing success.

What does an SEO agency do?

An SEO agency optimizes websites to improve their visibility in search engine results, aiming to boost organic traffic, rankings, and revenue. They focus on keyword research, content creation, link building, and improving website technicalities. 

How to hire an SEO agency

To hire an SEO agency effectively, begin with thorough research. Look for agencies with a good track record, industry relevance, cross-channel strategies, and positive client feedback. Ask about their approach, transparency, and pricing. Ensure they understand Google's guidelines, are well versed in SEO best practices, and make decisions based on data — and that they’re transparent with you about their plans and goals. 

How much does an agency charge for SEO?

The cost of an SEO agency varies widely based on the agency, the complexity of the project, and the specific needs of the client. Agencies may charge monthly retainers, hourly rates, or project-based fees, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

Are SEO agencies worth it?

Yes! SEO agencies offer valuable expertise that leads to increased visibility, organic traffic, and conversions. With their specialized skills, SEO agencies provide a significant return on investment by enhancing a website's online presence.