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We're excited to announce First Page Strategy has been acquired by RevenueZen!

July 2023

Simple Technical Fixes, Easy Wins 

Find out how our client achieved a 216% increase in keyword rankings over 6 months just by implementing technical SEO best practices. 

technical SEO case study

Technical SEO


increase in

organic traffic value

Want to achieve results like this? 

Case Study: Do Technical Fixes Really Matter?


You likely already know the importance of having a well-working, technically-sound website, especially when it comes to search engine optimization. But when you're working on a site redesign, it's easy to let technical tweaks and SEO best practices come second to the fun stuff: new branding, flashy design, engaging content. 

Future.co is a groundbreaking app working on modernizing personal training. They connect you to an elite fitness coach who designs a custom plan around your goals and schedule. When Future.co decided to redesign their site, they knew they wanted to do it the right way. That's why they came to First Page Strategy: to ensure they understood technical SEO best practices and could make the next version of their site the best it could be. 

By the time we were done incorporating small technical tweaks into their redesign plan, Future.co's total ranking keywords had increased by 216%.



As Future.co prepared to launch their new site, they knew they wanted better SEO results. They just weren't sure where their current site stood in terms of SEO best practices, and they wanted to be confident that the new site they were building was heading in the right direction. 

Future.co wanted First Page Strategy to perform a technical SEO audit of their existing site, using that as a springboard to deliver recommendations on best practices for the new site. From our perspective, it was a unique situation. Normally, we find SEO issues and fix them right away. But for this project, we needed to carefully evaluate the effort, expected results, and timeframe to see results in order to determine whether the fix should be made on the existing site or built into the new site instead. 

We also wanted to provide any needed education for the Future.co team so they knew the best steps forward when it came to technical SEO. 

Improve technical SEO health, improve keyword/SERP rank, deliver best practice guidelines, set up new site for SEO success



Strategy & Execution


We began our work with the goal of answering two key questions:

  1. 1. What short-term fixes could we implement on Future.co's existing site to improve organic search rankings?
  2. 2. What long-term best practices do they need to know in order to keep growing organic traffic and leads in the future? 

To do so, we performed a thorough technical SEO audit of Future.co's existing site, outlining specific recommendations to improve indexation, avoid duplicate content, optimize on-page SEO, increase page speed, boost the user experience, and more.

Short-Term Recommendations

For Future.co's existing site, our recommendations included:

  • Fixing the robots.txt file
  • Making adjustments to the sitemap
  • Resolving issues with redirect chains
  • Adding appropriate heading tags in the HTML
  • Adding self-referential canonical URLs

Long-Term Recommendations

For their new site, our recommendations highlighted: 
  • Making sure all content is easily crawlable and indexable, even when using JavaScript
  • Improving rankings through better on-page optimization
  • Building out site architecture to prioritize important keywords
  • Boosting page speed
  • Improving mobile-friendliness
  • Including relevant Schema markup

We also created a custom best practices guide and checklist for their developers so that they could use it as a reference in the future. 



Technical SEO is just one piece of the SEO puzzle. To truly grow organic traffic and revenue, you need to invest in an SEO content strategy and link building. But our work with Future.co showed that big gains can be made simply by getting that technical SEO piece in place. 

When we presented Future.co with our fixes and recommendations in August of 2022, they were ranking for 887 keywords.

By March 2023, eight months after our initial presentation and six months after their new site's launch, they were ranking for a total of 2,802 keywords — that's an increase of 216%, purely from a focus on basic technical SEO. 

Better yet, their first-page keywords (the ones driving the most search traffic) rose by 51% after 6 months and 77% after 9 months. This is a great illustration of how investing in technical SEO has an incremental impact down the road. Their organic traffic value also rose 83%, reiterating the impact technical SEO can have on revenue. 

Closing Thoughts

Launching a new site can be tricky, and if you’re not careful, you can lose organic traffic and keywords in the process. By getting top-notch technical advice and understanding their priorities before launching, Future.co was able to keep SEO on a forward momentum throughout the transition.

And with Future.co's trust, we were able to go beyond the role of SEO agency and serve as a training partner, sharing best SEO practices with their internal team and teaching them how to implement those practices independently. 

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